Desire Vape Mad Dog GTA
Product Features:
- 25mm Diameter
- Threaded Top Fill
- Two Fill Ports
- 3.5ml Capacity
- Two Post Clamp Style Build Deck
- Single Terminal Per Post
- Large Clamping Space
- Top Mounted Phillips or Flathead Screws
- Single Coil Capability Only
- Dual Wicking Ports
- 6.5mm by 3.5mm Each
- Single Terminal Per Post
- 3D Encircling Air Inlet
- Dual Bottom Adjustable Airflow
- 13mm by 2mm Each Airslot
- 9mm Wide Bore Threaded ULTEM Chuff Cap
- 24K Gold Plated 510 Connection
Product Specifications:
- 25mm by 47.8mm
Product Includes:
- One Desire Vape Mad Dog GTA
- Spare Parts Pack
- Phillips Screws
- Flathead Screws
- Two Individual Prebuilt Fused Clapton Coils
- Ni80 and Kanthal
- Organic Cotton
- Spare Glass Tank Section
Warning: Never use a short or flat 510 connection on any hybrid or hybrid style device. If unsure whether this pertains to your particular set-up, DO NOT assemble and use. Always use proper precautions and handling.